4 Tips to overcome that dreaded academic writer’s block
What is writer’s block? It starts as a creeping anxiety. There is a different weight in your feet as you near the blank page on your desk. It is as …
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Are you thinking about publisihing your article with us? Our journals maintain an editorial independence, as the selection of relevant articles is carried out exclusively by the journal’s editorial board, …
Ever since 2004, when Verlag Barbara Budrich was founded, we started publishing titles in open access and offered open access services. Whether gold (i.e. immediate open access) or green (i.e. …
What is writer’s block? It starts as a creeping anxiety. There is a different weight in your feet as you near the blank page on your desk. It is as …
A lot has been written about effective time-management strategies. But we have gathered some especially for busy professors (and all other kinds of researchers of course). Let’s head off! Being …
Did you ever think about the importance to celebrate your academic wins? Good times, bad times We all have good days and bad days. Imagine if there was so little …
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