We are committed to increasing the visibility of our sciences worldwide and support the translation of our books into other languages. Over the past years, translations of our books have been published by renowned international publishers.
Translations (selected titles)
Year | Translation | Original title | Publisher |
2024 | Carsten Q. Schneider, Claudius Wagemann: 社会科学集合论方法:定性比较分析指南 (Set-Theoretic Methods for the Social Sciences. A Guide to Qualitative Comparative Analysis) |
orig. title: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) und Fuzzy Sets. Ein Lehrbuch für Anwender und jene, die es werden wollen | Gezhi Press, China (PRC) |
2024 | Ulrich Teichler: 高等教育研究背后的故事 泰希勒教授学术研究生涯回顾与反思 (Higher Education Research and the Story Behind It. An Autobiographical Review and Reflection on Professor Teichler’s Lifetime Academic Research Career) |
orig. title: Higher Education Research – What Else? | Beihang University Press, China (PRC) |
2023 | Ulrich Teichler: Yükseköğretim Araştırmaları – ve Ötesi |
orig. title: Higher Education Research – What Else? | Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık, Turkey |
2023 | Peter V. Zima: Discourse and Power An Introduction to Critical Narratology: Who Narrates Whom? |
orig. title: Diskurs und Macht. Einführung in die herrschaftskritische Erzähltheorie | Routledge, UK |
2023 | Heinz-Hermann Krüger: 독일 교육학의 전통과 갈래. 교육학 연구의 현대적 패러다임 (German pedagogical Traditions and divergences. Contemporary paradigms in pedagogical research) |
Introduction to theories and methods of educational science
orig. title: Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der Erziehungswissenschaft |
PYMATE, South Korea |
2021 | Mariam Irene Tazi-Preve: Il fallimento della famiglia nucleare |
The failure of the nuclear family. Capitalism, love and the state
orig. title: Das Versagen der Kleinfamilie. Kapitalismus, Liebe und der Staat |
VandA, Italy |
2020 | Ralf Bohnsack: Pesquisa Social Reconstrutiva. Introdução aos métodos qualitativos |
Reconstructive Social Research. Introduction to qualitative methods
orig. title: Rekonstruktive Sozialforschung. Einführung in qualitative Methoden |
Editora Vozes, Brasil |
2019 | Jutta Wergen: ¿Cómo se hace un perfil de tesis?: Guía para la elaboración de perfil de tesis |
Planning your thesis and the exposé. The first steps on the way to a dissertation
orig. title: Promotionsplanung und Exposee. Die ersten Schritte auf dem Weg zur Dissertation |
Edición CEPIES UMSA, Bolivia |
2014 | Siegfried Schieder, Manuela Spindler (eds.): Theories of International Relations |
orig. titel: Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen | Routledge, UK |
2012 | Sven Bernhard Gareis: The United Nations. An Introduction |
orig. title: Die Vereinten Nationen. Aufgaben, Instrumente und Reformen | Macmillan Education, UK |
2012 | Felix Heidenreich, Gary Schaal: Introduction à la philosophie politique |
Introduction to Modern Political Theories
orig. title: Einführung in die Politischen Theorien der Moderne |
CNRS Éditions, France |
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Are you interested in licences of our titles? You have published with us and know publishers or institutions that would like to acquire a licence of your title? We will be happy to advise you! Do not hesitate to contact us: cathrin.mund@budrich.de
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