Meet us at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) in Nicosia and discover our online conference activities.
From 27 to 30 August, educational researchers from Europe and around the world will meet at the University of Cyprus for the annual conference of the European Educational Research Association (EERA). The theme of the 2024 conference is “Education in an Age of Uncertainty: memory and hope for the future”.
Meet us
Meet our editor Paula Schmieding at our on-site book presentation from 27 August 2024, get to know us and share your publication ideas. We look forward to it!
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Here you will find our title recommendations for the ECER conference. Browse through them or take a look at our shop.
Don’t miss our conference discount
Until 15 September 2024, we offer a conference discount of 75% on all English-language e-books. Enter the discount code ECER_2024 when ordering through our webshop.
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About the EERA and the ECER 2024 conference
The aim of the ‘European Educational Research Association’ (EERA) is to further high quality educational research for the benefit of education and society. The association’s activities, such as the annual conference, season schools for emerging researchers and publishing, build on and promote free and open dialogue and critical discussion and take a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to theory, methods and research ethics.
EERA membership is made up of more than 40 national and regional Educational Research Associations from all parts of Europe. It is governed by the Council and the Executive Committee. The academic work is organised in thematic networks.
More about our conference activities on our blog.
Image: / Andy Barbour