Thanks to funding through Knowledge Unlatched (KU), numerous Budrich publications are available now in open access in our online shop, in the Open Research Library, in the Social Science Open Access Repository, and at OAPEN, among others:
- Baumann, Mechthild/Lorenz, Astrid/Rosenow, Kerstin (eds.): Crossing and Controlling Borders. Immigration Policies and their Impact on Migrants’ Journeys
- Féron, Élise/Käkönen, Jyrki/Rached, Gabriel (eds.): Revisiting Regionalism and the Contemporary World Order. Perspectives from the BRICS and beyond
- Hackett, Paul M. W./Schwarzenbach, Jessica B./Jürgens, Uta Maria: Consumer Psychology: A Study Guide to Qualitative Research Methods
- Jungwirth, Ingrid/Bauschke-Urban, Carola (eds.): Gender and Diversity Studies. European Perspectives
- Kneuer, Marianne/Milner, Helen V. (eds.): Political Science and Digitalization – Global Perspectives
- Lachapelle, Guy/Oñate, Pablo (eds.): Borders and Margins. Federalism, Devolution and Multi-Level Governance
- Lindroos, Kia/Möller, Frank (eds.): Art as a Political Witness
- Marczewska-Rytko, Maria (ed.): Handbook of Direct Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989
- Morojele, Naleli: Women Political Leaders in Rwanda and South Africa. Narratives of Triumph and Loss
- Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina/Warkotsch, Jana (eds.): Beyond the Panama Papers. The Performance of EU Good Governance Promotion
- Rosenthal, Gabriele (ed.): The Holocaust in Three Generations. Families of Victims and Perpetrators of the Nazi Regime
- Sellars, Maura: Educating Students with Refugee and Asylum Seeker Experiences. A Commitment to Humanity
- Staack, Michael: Russia, the European Union and NATO. Is a “new normal” possible?
- Wiatr, Jerzy J.: New Authoritarianism. Challenges to Democracy in the 21st century
- Wilde, Gabriele/Zimmer, Annette/Obuch, Katharina/Panreck, Isabelle-Christine (eds.): Civil Society and Gender Relations in Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes. New Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Case Studies
- Zamfira, Andreea/de Montlibert, Christian/Radu, Daniela (eds.): Gender in Focus: Identities, Codes, Stereotypes and Politics
What is Knowledge Unlatched?
Knowledge Unlatched is a global initiative launched in 2012 and supported by over 500 libraries. The aim of the project is to enable open access for books and journals in all scientific and research disciplines via institutional crowdfunding. Knowledge Unlatched supports libraries in shifting their budgets from traditional procurement patterns to open access provision.
Verlag Barbara Budrich offers various opportunities to publish in open access.
© Unsplash 2022 / Foto: Tim Mossholder