Carlotta Giustozzi awarded Peter A. Berger Prize for outstanding dissertations

For her dissertation “Social Consequences of Labour Market Marginalisation in Germany. Analysing the Impact of Social Identities and Values”, Carlotta Giustozzi received the Peter A. Berger Prize from the section “Social Inequality and Social Structure Analysis” of the German Sociological Association (DGS) for the best dissertation of the past two years (together with Katharina Kunißen). In her dissertation, Carlotta Giustozzi deals with the social consequences of labour market marginalisation for close social relations and social participation in Germany. She shows that financial difficulties can only marginally explain social exclusion. Rather, social roles, norms and identity are decisive for labour market marginalisation. The dissertation was published by Barbara Budrich in July.



The publication:

Carlotta Giustozzi

Social Consequences of Labour Market Marginalisation in Germany. Analysing the Impact of Social Identities and Values