Wer war Heinz-Joachim Heydorn und welche Rolle spielen die Ideen seines Aufsatzes “Survival Through Bildung – Outline of a prospect” (1974) für die heutige Zeit? Das diskutieren Autor*innen in dem Sammelband „Survival through Bildung. On the Topicality of Heinz-Joachim Heydorn’s Philosophy of Education“. Auf unserem englischsprachigen Blog ist jetzt eine Leseprobe aus der Einleitung von Herausgeber Helge Kminek verfügbar.
Hier lesen: www.budrich.de/en/news/reading-sample-survival-through-bildung
Über das Buch „Survival through Bildung. On the Topicality of Heinz-Joachim Heydorn’s Philosophy of Education“
The central reference point of the volume is Heinz-Joachim Heydorn’s essay “Survival Through Bildung – Outline of a prospect” (1974), which was translated into English and subsequently made available to a broad public for the first time. Despite the time gap of almost 50 years, Heydorn’s text is fascinating, because the survival of humanity – at least a qualitatively substantial survival of humanity – seems extremely questionable today. Researchers with different theoretical perspectives question the text on its contemporary content and put their interpretations up for discussion.